Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Worship

As you know, for the last 6 weeks or so, we've been helping some young ones prepare for the Watchtower study (and encouraging their parents to help them too). This Saturday, we couldn't. Later in the afternoon, we stopped by Tetfina's home. This is what we saw when they opened the door to us! Tetfi is helping her children study in Chuukese and English with a view to participating in the meeting.  
Tetfi is working hard to apply Bible principles in her life. She is reading the Bible daily and trying to use what she is reading to improve her life. Now, she is trying to reason with her children from the Bible instead of the way she used to discipline them. For example, she has read 1 John 4:21 to her kids when they are fighting to help them to see that how we treat our family matters to God and affects our relationship with him. (Thanks, Bekah! This helped on the other side of the world and in a different language!)  It is working. They are all much calmer and happier. In fact, the little one sleeping has almost quit cursing, only using those words when he is mad. Tetfi is beginning to say no to things that are displeasing to God and that would hurt her children.  Because of what she is learning, she has made a stand for Bible principles in spite of the culture of her community. She has come to appreciate 1 Peter 5:10, '...he will make you firm, he will make you strong.'

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