Friday, November 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We're back home! 
Our hearts are full. It had been such a long time since we'd seen our family and friends. This visit was just what we needed. Then, right before we left Oklahoma, we received a very nice invitation to the first Bible School for Christian Couples in Guam (and probably the last, since the schools are changing!). We are so excited and surprised at the same time!! Our 24 classmates (and friends) are all serving in islands in the Guam branch territory.  It starts in early February! 


  1. Amaziiiiiing! What a treat! You two are living THE life. Thanks for sharing this! I know you'll have a blast. Two of my friends just graduated. Enjoy! What a treat!

    Tiera [Richmond, VA]

  2. Thanks for writing. We have to pinch ourselves sometimes to make sure it's real!

  3. So proud of you guys...wish we knew you were in the states, would love to get together with you guys...we were recently working at Tuxedo and are hoping to go back again in the beginning of the year

  4. Have a great time there! We wish we could've seen you too. Definitely, next time.
