Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Any Parent Would Want...

Last night, we received a phone call from one of our Bible students. She was sitting outside because, in her words, her kids had been driving her nuts. She made dinner for them and went outside. They are quite a noisy bunch, so when they became very quiet, she peeked in the window to see what they were up to. All of the food was in front of them. They were speaking in a low voice, "Are you ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Are you ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." Then the four of them said a prayer together and then they began eating.
The oldest is 11 and the youngest is 5.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Over the Moon

Last Saturday night, December 10-11, we had a lunar eclipse. The night was clear. As the moon became fully eclipsed, it turned a burnt red color. Amazing!!

Return Visit of a Different Kind

Since 1991, Ron's mom has been trying to get this cottonwood tree cut down. During the last typhoon (1991), it's limbs went crazy, blowing around the yard hitting windows, windshields and anything they could hit. No one would cut it down. They were afraid the tree would hit her home.
A brother visiting from South Africa went along with John on Ron's Bible study. Ron was showing him the yard. The brother mentioned that he used to be a lumberjack and volunteered to help out! So, a week or so ago, Anton and John made a housecall and this tree was dropped in less than an hour. Alda's precious cactus just caught a breeze as the tree passed by. She is overjoyed!! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011