Monday, January 23, 2012

'With the Greatest Eagerness of Mind'

This was Adams first meeting and the first time we met him. He is the much younger brother of one of our students. He thought it was amazing to see the scripture in the Watchtower and find it in the Bible or hear the speaker say the scripture and then find it. These two photos show what happened each time they looked up a scripture.  

How Does Your Child Learn?

The Chuukese Bible has line drawings illustrating the surrounding verses. Ednes began copying them last week during the meeting. His mom explained what the picture was about, even answering his questions about it. Then he quietly drew the picture. He busied himself with this for an entire evening meeting. This was outstanding since Ednes has limitless energy. And his drawings are superb! 

Janet's Big Move to Guam

Janet just moved to Guam on Saturday from Pohnpei. She was baptized the week before. Her dad's plan was to move her to Guam to get away from Jehovah's people. How's that plan working out?! 
Even worse than he thought could be possible...her sister on the left, Emma, and I discuss the Bible together and Emma's son has been to the meetings with us. She also has a large, extended family that is progressing in their studies and attend the meetings...Tetfi and her family, and Norensa's family! 
Bernice is the only one in her family here in Guam that is studying. She attends all of the meetings, prepares for and participates in them. We are hoping one day that she will be able to visit Pohnpei and meet her extended family that all worship Jehovah.

Wonderful Week!!

This past week, we had the visit of the circuit overseer and his wife, Mark and Jackie, and another brother training for the circuit work and his wife, Kondo and Arlette. What a wonderful time! We were reminded of effective ways to use questions to reach the hearts of those whom we visit. We're not sure why we don't have more photos, but the one below made for an even more exciting week....
Kayelani is a new publisher. What better way to spend the first day in service than with her sister, Ann, and Jackie! 

The Light Bulb Moment!

This was taken outside of the Kingdom Hall after their first meeting two weeks ago. It's taken a bit of time to have a regular study with this wonderful family. Rachel first asked for a Bible because she no longer had one. We also showed her the Bible Teach book and demonstrated how to use it. When we returned, she said that her daughter kept taking it to school to read and she hadn't seen it since. She was referring to the little girl on the end. She was 7 at the time. When it is possible, we all study together. The kids are ages 10, 9, and 8. Their comprehension and enthusiasm is so great to experience.
While we were discussing Jehovah's name and it's meaning, Rachel got so excited because she said she finally remembered how she had heard the name before...A missionary sister in Saipan had been visiting her dad and heard it from her!
Oh, before they came, Rachel's husband watched a documentary on the History channel about how ruthless the Catholic church was with folks who wanted to learn about God. He said that she should never be a part of that church again!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Sunday of the Year

Jesilin and Albert with their five boys. This includes their newest addition, three-week-old, 'True Lee'.
This was their second year of not celebrating the holidays.

The meeting was a fitting end to a wonderful weekend. Tetfi said how good it felt to be sitting at the Watchtower study about trusting in Jehovah when we have challenges and knowing she had just done that. She told us right before Christmas that she wouldn't be celebrating it or New Year's. We helped her take steps to avoid potentially compromising situations and she was successful.

Beachtime in the Morning

Before the meeting on the first day of the year, we spent the morning at the beach.

New Friends

In the islands that Tetfi is from, New Year's is one crazy time. The party goes on for days sometimes. It's so loud and there's a lot of drinking. All of the people that live around her apartment are from the same place, so she knew from past experience what was going to happen around her home. She made the choice not to celebrate this holiday, but knew it would be difficult to succeed if she was in her home. Anton made his boat available for us to have a load of fun. A family visiting him from Japan hosted us. In this photo are people from Japan, Chuuk, New York and Guam. We all know each other because we all know Jehovah. Tetfi loves that idea!
Norensa and Tetfi's first swim without flotation.
And then they jumped off the boat!!!

John showed everybody how to make a big splash!
Ednes looking for swimmers under the boat. 
Jeremiah's turn at photography.
Yeah! We had a good time!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Family That Worships Together...

Instead of celebrating the holiday, Tetfi's whole family attended the Chuukese language meeting. This included a niece and grandbaby of her sister-in-law. Aren't they a lovely group?
Tetfina was the first to ask for a study. She has been blessed with the rest of her family listening to her message of a better life and a wonderful hope for the future. All in the photograph (except for the niece) are having a Bible study. Norensa is studying with Yumi, her 2 year old niece.