Thursday, June 2, 2011

Exciting Times!

Kayelani is part of the Theocratic Ministry School and had her first assignment on Tuesday! This is a clip of her explaining how humble Jesus is.
This was the most fun I've had in long time preparing a talk. When I sent it to Kaye, I told her she should put her parts in her own words. By the time the two of us were finished, the talk was very different--and much better. She has a real gift for making ideas live through words.


  1. That is wonderful news. A beautiful marker in both of yours memory and record of service and love to Jehovah. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love her very much. I am so happy that I've had the privilege of helping her know Jehovah and get to be her friend too.

  3. Hi Emily, I love this video. Last week I helped a sister with the same talk using Jesus' example in humility, but this sister's talk with her candidness was humility demonstrated. Thank you for sharing this and I hope you can share more of these. Love & miss you. Suzette

  4. Hi Suzette! So great to hear from you! Isn't it wonderful that no matter where we live, we're all thinking about and doing the same things. Love and miss you too.
