Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Special Night

Here are some of the interested ones and students that attended the Memorial with us.

We met the lady on the left in a parking lot about two years ago. She said she'd studied before--using the Live Forever book. Due to a very irregular work schedule and no telephone, she has been difficult to find. We went to invite her to the Memorial this year. She said her friend (the lady in the middle) attended last year and said they should go. It was her first meeting ever to attend. The sister on the right used to visit her, so the lady was so excited to surprise her at the Memorial! 
We met this couple a few days before the Memorial. They said they would like to come, but had no ride. We went to see them on Thursday and they had been planning on attending with us. They really enjoyed themselves. They attended the special talk on Sunday with us and will have their first study tomorrow. The young woman told us that she had attended some meetings at the Kingdom Hall with her auntie when she was nine years old--that's 11 years ago. 
She is also related to other families we have been studying with that attend the meetings in Chuukese.
We met the lady on the left three years ago, inviting folks to the Memorial. She did not attend then, but began to study. She has stopped and started her study twice in the last three years. We haven't studied for a year, but John and another brother went to invite her to the Memorial on Wednesday. When they went, she began to cry. She explained that each time she prays deeply to God, we come by. She said she would attend the Memorial (first meeting ever) to see if this is the real answer to her prayer.
Who is the older sister she is with in the picture? This is a sister who pioneered for many years. She studied with the lady 20 years ago.
Answer to her prayer? She said she knew for sure that she was in a room of very happy people.

The two photos above are of some of our progressive students (we're sure you recognize them--one is baptized and two are unbaptized publishers) with interested ones they brought. Six persons they invited came with them. 
We were there too.
It was a busy night. Along with those that attended the Memorial with us, we helped 12 interested ones and students attend the Memorial with the Chuukese group. What an exciting night!

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